
Guaranteed Content (%w/w)
Total Organic Matter %12
Total Nitrogen %9,45
Nitrate Nitrogen %8
Ammonium Nitrogen %1
Organic Nitrogen %0,45
Water Soluble Calcium Oxide (CaO) %10,82
Free Amino Acids %3
pH 5-6

Usage Dose:

From the leaf: 250--300 ml / 100 L. water

From Soil (With Drip): 500 ml / da

Recommended Plants

Citrus (Orange, Lemon, Tangerine etc.)

Fruit Trees (Apple, Pear, Cherry, Cherry, Apricot, Peach) Vegetables (Cucumber, Pumpkin, Melon, Watermelon, tomato pepper eggplant etc.),

Field crops (Sunflower, cotton, Bean, sugar beet potato, onion, carrot etc.)

Cereals (Corn, Wheat Barley Oats Rye etc.)


Ornamental Plants (Rose, Chrysanthemum, Carnation etc.)


Some water is poured into the tank of the application tool, and the required amount of VITACAL is continuously mixed and added. The prepared mixture should be used without waiting for a long time.

Miscibility: It cannot be mixed with products containing Sulfate and Phosphate. We recommend a small mix test before mixing with other products.

Product Packaging

Packaging Options

  • 1 L

In case of any signs of poisoning, call the National Poison Information Center 114.

WARNING: Read the label information on its packaging carefully and follow the recommendations before using the medicine. It should be based only on the packaging label information