The herb protection product named SATDown is a herbicide classified as group B according to its mechanism of action.

Effective Substance: Contains 40 g / l Imazamox.

Pea Red-rooted foxtail (Amaranthus retroflexus) Shepherd's purse (Capsella bursa- pastoris)
Sirken (Chenopodium album)
Devil's Apple (Datira stramonium) Darıcan (Echinochloa cnıs-galli)
Shatter (Fumaria officinalis)
Ballıbaba (Lamitm amplexicaule)
Shepherd's wand (Polygomim aviculare, P convolvitlus)
Sticky grass (Setaria verticillata)
Bird grass (Stellaria media)
Stinging nettle (Urtica urens)
Slow motion (Veronica symbalaria)
Pork beef (Xanthium stnimarium)
100 ml / da It is applied after early release.
Beans Red rooted foxtail (Amaranthus retroffexus)
Shepherd's wand (Polygonum aviculare)
Shater (Fumaria officinalis. F. cilicia)
Sticky grass (Setaria verticillata)
Sirken (Chenopodium album)
Devil's Apple (Datura stramonium)
Darıcan (Echinochloa crus-galli)
Currant (Solanum nignim)
Pork beef (Xanthium stnimarium)
100 ml / da It is applied after early release.
Soy Red rooted foxtail (Amaranthus retroflexis)
Sutlcğcn (Euphorbia herophylla. E.nutans)
Darıcan (Echinochloa crus-galli)
Pork beef (Xanthium strumarium) Sticky grass (Setaria verticillata)
125 ml / da It is applied after early release.
Peanut Darıcan (Echinochloa cnıs-galli) 100 ml / da It is applied after early release.
Şahter to (Fumaria officinalis)
Sticky grass (Setaria verticillata)
Shepherd's wand (Polygonum aviculare) 125 ml / da Applied after premature release
Pork beef (Xanthium stnimarium)
Angler grass (Physalis angulata)
Wild mustard (Sinapis arvensis) 100 ml / da Weeds 2-5 leaves period- Sunflower 4-10 leaves period
Sunflower (IMI sunflower varieties) Red rooted fox dry (Amaranlhus retrofJexns, A. albus) 120 ml / da Weeds 2- 5 leaves period - Sunflower 4-6 leaves period
Bambu grass (Chrozophora t i net medium)
Sirken (Chenopocliıım urbicıım)
Currant (Solanum nigrum)
Pork beef (Xanthium strumarium)
Wild oats (Avena sterilis)
Devil's apple (Stramonium to the mountains)
Cakir thorn (Xanthium spinosum)
Sirken (Chenopocliıım albıım ) 130 ml / da Weeds 2- 5 leaf period-Sunflower 6-10 leaf period
Iron spur (Tribulus terrestris)
Purslane (Portulaca oleracea)
Dancan (lichinochloa crııs-galli)
Monster Grass-Orobanch (Orobanche cemua)


  • It provides a good control of pig hog (Xanthium strumarium) and currant (Solanum nigrum) after exiting,
  • It can be used in the control of Canavarotu-Orobanş (Orabanche cernua) and other weeds, which are a problem in IMI tolerant sunflower.

Practical tips

  • If there is drought, stress (cold or hot), disease or insect damage, application should not be done.
  • Repeated applications of plant protection products with the same mechanism of action promote resistance development. For this reason, in order to delay the development of resistance, do not exceed the total number of applications of the plant protection product recommended in the same production season. In cases where the application should be repeated, take care to use plant protection products with different mechanism of action.