
Şebin Walnut sapling
ORIGIN: Anatolia TREE: Trees are often branched, spiked crown and ...
Franquette Walnut sapling
ORIGIN: France TREE: Franquette walnut tree grows upright and coarse ...
Bilecik Walnut sapling
ORIGIN: Anatolia TREE: Trees are erect and broadly branched, shows a ...
Lara Walnut sapling
ORIGIN: FRANCE TREE: Lara walnut sapling is a type of walnut with ...
Chandler Walnut sapling
ORIGIN: U.S. Pat. TREE: Trees develop semi-erect crown and are ...
Fernor Walnut sapling
ORIGIN: France TREE: Makes upright tree. It blooms late. The female ...
Pedro Walnut sapling
ORIGIN: U.S. Pat. TREE: The development of the tree is weak and ...