Harmful Organism Name Disease Name Administration dose Time Between Last Application and Harvest
Pear black stain(Venturia pirina) 200 g/100 L water 14 day
Tomato Downy mildew(Phytophtora infestans) 150 g/100 L water 3 day
Apple Black spot (Venturia inaequalis) 150 g/100 L water 3 day
Cucumber Cucurbit mildew (Pseudoperaonospora cubensis) 200 g/da 3 day
Chickpea anthracnose(Ascochyta rabiei) 200 g/100 L water 3 day
Sugar beet Leaf spot disease (Cercospora beticola) 200 g/da 3 day
Peanut Root collar rot (Aspergillus niger) 500 g/100 kg seed -

Root rot in peanuts: Seed application. The seeds are pre-moistened so that the drug can hold on the seed surface.

If the application is to be applied with the cask (cascade), the 500 g product recommended for 100 kg of seeds is mixed in a container with a sufficient amount of water and then slowly added to the application barrel several times. coating is provided.

On the other hand, the selectors with application equipment contain the amount of water that will ensure an ideal coating of the seed by making a preliminary trial. The ideal amount of water is the amount of water that covers the seed but does not flow. After this is achieved, the required amount is mixed thoroughly with water and the application device is placed in the tank and applied. Do not use seeds with low germination capacity, peeled or cracked, not suitable for planting.

Shake the product well before use.

It should be ensured that the medicated seed to be packed after application is dried.

Cucumber in cucumber: Spraying is started when the plants start to throw arms or with the first symptoms of mildew and it is continued at 7-10 days intervals depending on the severity of the disease. In applications, it should be done to cover all parts of the plant, especially under leaves.

Pear crumble:

1st spraying: When the flower is blindfolded (3-5 days before where there is a branch heat)

2nd spraying: during the white badge period

3rd spraying: When 70-80% of flower petals fall out

4.and other sprayings should be applied considering the duration of the drugs used.

Tomato mildew: The application is started with the appearance of a conidian cover like white ash on the underside of 3-5 mm diameter brown spots on tomato leaves in the environment.

Chickpea anthracnose: Application of green parts should be started when the daily average temperature is 10 ° C and the relative humidity is at least 80%, but it should be started with the first symptoms of the disease in the region. The application is continued taking into account the severity of the disease, climatic conditions and the duration of the crop protection product. If there is heavy rainfall on the day of application, the application should be repeated.

Sugar beet leaf spot disease: The first application is started when 5% of sugar beet adult leaves show cercospora leaf spot. It should be continued at intervals of 15-20 days.

Apple crumble:

If there is no branch order

1st spraying: when the flower is blistering

2nd spraying: During the pink rosette bud (when the flowers are seen separately)

3rd spraying: When 70-80% of flower petals fall out

4. and other sprayings are made with an interval of 10 days depending on where the ecological conditions are suitable for the progression of the disease.

MIXABLE CONDITION: It should not be mixed with very strong acid and alkali plant protection products.