
Envidor® SC 240
Specifications : A different chemical group, a different mode of ...
Arabus SC 240
Specifications : Provides long lasting and high effect. The period ...
Requiem® EC 152.3
Read the label first. Do not use at home. Keep away from children, food and ...
Product features: Interrupt SC 240; Contains 228.6 g / l Spiromesifen and ...
Calypso® OD 240
Specifications : High effect at low doses. Flexible application time. ...
Decis® Trap
Specifications: It is an effective and innovative biotechnical trap ...
Proteus® OD 170
Specifications : Proteus is a wide-spectrum insecticide that can be used in many ...
Movento® SC 100
Features : Excellent pest control with new technology and new ...
Envidor® Speed SC 240
Features: Complementary superior effect of two different active ...
Decis® 2.5 EC
Specifications : It is a contact insecticide from Pyrethroid group. It is ...
Mesurol ® WP 50
Features : It is effective for a long time. Red spiders ...