European Pears

Margarite Marillat (KİEFER)Pear Sapling
ORİJİN: İngiltere AĞAÇ: Ağaçlar yarı dik ve çok hızlı büyür. MEYVE: ...
Williams Pear Sapling
ORIGIN: England TREE: When young, growth is strong, slowing down and yielding ...
Abate Fetel Pear Sapling
ORIGIN: France TREE: Trees grow in medium strength and semi-upright. It is an ...
Akça Pear Sapling
ORIGIN: Anatolia TREE: The tree is one of our native and densely branched and ...
Coscia Pear Sapling
ORIGIN: Italy TREE: Trees show strong and upright growth. FRUIT: Fruits ...
Carmen Pear Sapling
Origin: Italy Tree Properties: It develops upright and strong. It forms a wide ...
Santa Maria Pear Sapling
ORIGIN: Italy TREE: Trees are semi-erect and very productive variety growing ...
Deveci Pear Sapling
ORIGIN: Anatolia TREE: Origin of Anatolia, trees, medium-strength is a kind ...
June Beauty Pear Sapling
ORIGIN: Anatolia TREE: It is one of the early pear varieties with ...
Etrusca Pear Sapling
ORIGIN: Anatolia TREE: It is an early variety and the yield is high and ...