Harmful Organism Name Disease Name Administration dose Time Between Last Application and Harvest
pistachios Pistachio psillidi (Agonoscena pistaciae) 30 ml/100 L water nymph, adult 14 day
Pear Pear psilli (Cacopsylla pyri) 40 ml/100 L water nymph, adult 14 day
Okra Broad bean aphid (Aphis fabae) 20 ml/100 L water nymph, adult 7 day
Tomato Wire worms (Agriotes spp.) 100 ml/da 7 day
Tomato (Greenhouse) Tobacco whitefly (Bemisia tabaci) 100 ml / da nymphs, with adult drip irrigation 7 day
Apple Apple green aphid (Aphis pomi) 20 ml/100 L water nymph, adult 14 day
Beans Broad bean aphid (Aphis fabae) 20 ml/100 L water nymph, adult 7 day
Cotton Cotton aphid (Aphis gossypii) 35 ml/da nimf, adult 14 day
Cotton Tobacco whitefly (Bemisia tabaci) 85 ml/da nimf, adult 14 day
Cotton Leafhopper (Empoasca decipiens) 35 ml/da nimf, adult 14 day
Potato Potato beetle (Leptinotarsa ​​decemlineata) 15 ml / da adult, larvae 14 day
Eggplant Broad bean aphid (Aphis fabae) 20 ml/100 L water nymph, adult 7 day
Eggplant (Greenhouse) White fly (Bemisia tabaci) 100 ml / da nymphs, with adult drip irrigation 7 day
Peach Peach aphid (Myzus persicae) 20 ml / 100 L water nymph, adult 14 day

How to Use the Herbal Protection Product:
Against cotton aphid in cotton: After dilution in the seedling period, 50% dishwashing seedlings, and in the field period, when an average of 25 aphids are detected on the leaf, a medicated fight should be carried out.
Against Tobacco Whitefly in Cotton: Considering the white fly density, the fight should be started when there are 10 larvae + pupae per leaf.
Against Cotton Leaf Flea: In dairy surveys, 50 da cotton field is divided into 4 sections. Leaf fleas on a total of 25 leaves are counted, one taken from the lower, middle and upper parts of the main stem of the plants randomly selected from each section. In this way, the average number of pests per leaf is determined in a total of 100 leaves in the entire area. Application should be done when an average of 10 leaf fleas per leaf is detected.
Against Pear Psillid: Spraying is done when all the eggs left by the wintering adult adults open, when the second and third term nymphs begin to appear and contamination is seen in more than 15% of the shoots.
Peaches Against Peach Aphid: Chemical struggle is done when there are 7 dishes on 50 trees.
Against Apple Green Aphid: Application should be done when 15 dish shoots are seen in 100 shoots during vegetation.
Against Peach Aphid in Tomato: Application is done when an average of 10-20 pests per leaf is seen in 20-40 leaves, which are cut in 3-5 steps by entering the field in the direction of diagonals. However, the effectiveness of the benefits should be taken into consideration before deciding on applications by observing parasitoids and predators.
Against Wormworm in Tomato: Application should be started if 6 or more larvae are found on average in m2.

Tomato Tobacco Whitefly: When infected with whitefly, enter the area determined in terms of diagonals. In every five steps, 50 leaves are collected from the lower, middle and upper leaves. Chemical combat is applied when there are 5 larvae + pupae per leaf.
Against Pistachio Psillid: When the weekly counts of 100 compound leaves are seen, 20-30 nymphs per leaf are seen, when the majority of the eggs are opened and before the first adult parasite output and the sticky layer (fumajin) on the leaf surface.
Against Potato Beetle: When the average daily temperature reaches 14-15 C, it is entered in the field in the direction of its diagonal and the pest's eggs, larvae and adults are searched in the quarries. Having any period indicates that the field is dishwasher. If the application is to be made against the first generation, it should be done when the first mature larvae (fourth period) are seen in the plants. In case of application to the second batch, the egg opening should be completed. During this period, application may not be necessary as the damage due to insect density can be tolerated by the plant. However, as a result of the researches, the 20% damage caused by the potato beetle on the leaves of the potato plant can be tolerated by the plant and there is no reduction in the product. This rate rises up to 40% depending on the phenological period and development of the plant.
Beans, Okra, Eggplant Broad Beans Aphids: From April, entering the field in the direction of diagonals, one by one in 3-5 steps, one leaf is cut randomly from the fresh leaves and shoots of the plants. 25-50 in legumes; As a result of counts made with 20-40 leaves of loupes in large-leaved plants such as eggplant, cucurbits and cabbage; If the number of pests per leaf is 10-20, it is decided to fight.

Miscibility status: Can be mixed with highly alkaline drugs
