Harmful Organism Name Disease Name Administration dose Time Between Last Application and Harvest
pistachios Pistachio psillidi (Agonoscena pistaciae 20 g/100 L water (adult, nymph) 7 day
Pepper (Greenhouse)

Tobacco whitefly (Bemisia tabaci)

Greenhouse whitefly (Trialeurodes vaporariorum)

Peach aphid (Myzus persicae)

30 g/100 L water (larva, adult) 3 day
Tomato (Greenhouse)

Tobacco whitefly (Bemisia tabaci)

30 g/100 L water (larva, adult) 3 day
Tomato (Field) Tobacco whitefly (Bemisia tabaci) 30 g/da (larva, adult) 3 day
Apple Green aphid (Aphis pomi) 20 g/100 L water (adult, nymph) 14 day

Tobacco whitefly (Bemisia tabaci)

Greenhouse whitefly (Trialeurodes vaporariorum)

30 g/100 L water (larva, adult) 3 day
Watermelon Peach aphid(Myzus persicae) 25 g/da (Adult-nymphs) 7 day

Cherry black aphid(Myzus cerasi)

25 g/100 Lwater (nymph, adult) 7 day
Cotton Cotton aphid (Aphis gosspyii) 10 g/da (nymph, adult) 0
Cotton Leaf fleas (Empoasca spp.) 10 g/da (nymph, adult) 0
Cotton Tobacco white fly (Bemisia tabaci) 40 g/da(larva, adult) 0
Potato Potato beetle (Leptinotarsa decemlineata) 6 g/da (larva, adult) 7 day
Eggplant (Greenhouse)

Tobacco white fly (Bemisia tabaci)

30 g/100 L water (larva, adult) 1 day

Peach aphid(Myzus persicae)

10 g/da (nymph, adult) 10 day

How to Use the Plant Protection Product:
Spraying should be done after morning dew or in the evening. If it rains within 6 hours after the application, the application should be repeated. No more than two applications should be done in the same growing period.
After dilution against cotton aphid in seedling period, application is started when 50% dish seedling is detected, and in the field period, an average of 25 aphids per leaf is detected.
Leaf fleas are counted in all 25 leaves, 1 of which is taken from the lower, middle and upper parts of the main stem of the plants randomly selected against cotton fleas. In this way, the average number of pests per leaf is found in a total of 100 leaves from the entire area. Application should be done when an average of 10 leaf fleas per leaf is detected.
When considering the white fly density against tobacco whitefly in cotton, the fight should be started when there are 10 larvae + pupae per leaf.
For sampling against potato beetle in potato, the field is entered in the direction of its diagonals, and the pest's eggs, larvae and adults are sought. The fact that the pest is encountered at any time indicates that the field is contaminated. If spraying will be done in the first decade, it should be done when the first mature larvae (fourth period) are seen in the plants. In case of spraying with the second generation, egg opening should be completed. In this period too, spraying may not be required as the damage due to insect density can be tolerated by the plant.

Whitefly in tomato: It is determined that it is contaminated with whitefly, and it is entered in terms of diagonal. In every 5 steps, 50 leaves are collected from the lower, middle and upper leaves. Chemical combat is applied when there are 5 larvae-pupae per leaf.
As a result of the weekly counts of 100 compound leaves against pistachio psillid, 20-30 nymphs per leaf are seen, when most of the eggs are opened and before the first adult parasitoid exit and the adhesive layer (fumajin) on the leaf surface.
Green aphid on apple: Spraying should be done in 15 out of 100 shoots during the vegetation period.
Watermelon peach aphid: For the purpose of determining the application time, starting from April, entering the field in the direction of diagonals, one leaf is cut randomly in fresh leaves and shoots of a plant in 3-5 steps. If the number of aphids per leaf is 10-20 in large leafy plants such as watermelon, it is necessary to start the application.
Pepper peach aphid: If the number of aphids per leaf is 10-20 in small leafy plants such as pepper, it is necessary to start the application.

Miscibility: Can be mixed with other insecticides, fungicides and foliar fertilizers, except those of alkali.