Harmful Organism Name Disease Name Administration dose Time Between Last Application and Harvest
Apple Apple networm (Hyponomeuta malinellus) 60 g/100 l water , larva 14 day
Apple Appleworm (Cydia pomonella) 150 g/100 l water , larva 14 day
Apple Fruit brown mite (Bryobia rubrioculus) 120 g/100 l water larva, adult 14 day
Apple Apple green aphid (Aphis pomi) 150 g/100 l water 14 day
Apple Apple gray aphid (Dysaphis plantaginea) 150 g/100 l water 14 day
Apple Red gal aphid (Dysaphis devecta) 150 g/100 lwater 14 day
Potato Potato beetle (Leptinotarsa ​​decemlineata) 200 g / 100 l water larva, adult -
Peach Peach moth (Anarsia lineatella) 150 g / 100 l water larva 14 day

In the 100 leaf bouquet that will represent the garden against the apple wolfworm, application should be made if there are 4 clusters of larvae that have entered the epidermis or have been knitted.

The applications to be made against the apple domestic wolf should be directed according to the forecast and early warning system. The goal of the apple wormworm is to kill the larvae hatched by keeping the trees medicated during the larval outflow of each period before they enter the fruit.

In case of periodic counts to be made in 100 leaves from May against fruit brown mite, the application should be done in case of an average of 8-10 individuals per leaf.

Application should be done when 15 dish shoots are seen in 100 shoots against vegetation of apple green leaf.

Application should be done when 2 dish flower bouquets or 1-3 colonies are seen in 100 shoots from the period of pouring pink bud or flower petals against apple gray aphid from dönem of the population to poultry form.

Application should be performed when 5 dish shoots or 5-10 colonies are seen in 100 shoots from the period of pink bud or flower petals pouring against red gal aphid, until ¾ of the population turns into a winged form.

Sexually attractive traps, sum of effective temperatures and phenology of plants are used to determine the application time against peach moth.

When the average daily temperature against the potato beetle reaches 14-15 ° C, it is entered in the field in the direction of its diagonals and the pest's eggs, larvae and adults are searched in the quarries. Having any period indicates that the field is dishwasher. If the application is to be made against the first generation, it should be done when the first mature larvae (fourth period) are seen in the plants. In case of application to the second batch, the egg opening should be completed. During this period, application may not be necessary as the damage due to insect density can be tolerated by the plant. However, as a result of the researches, the 20% damage caused by the potato beetle on the leaves of the potato plant can be tolerated by the plant and there is no reduction in the product. This rate rises up to 40% depending on the phenological period and development of the plant.

MIXABLE CONDITION: It is not mixed with high acid or alkaline character protection products. However, it is recommended to make a pre-mix test before mixing with other plant protection products.