Total Nitrogen (N) 7%
Nitric Nitrogen (N) 1.2%
Ammonia Nitrogen (N) 1.7%
Urea Nitrogen (N) 4.1%
Water Soluble Forfor Penta Oxide (P 2 O 5) 7%
Water Soluble Potassium Oxide (K 2 O) 4%
Organic Matter 14%
pH 6 - 8

CIFALGA GROW is a nutritional bioactivator specially developed to increase yield and improve the quality of the final product.
Use of CIFALGA GROW for all products:
Activating the development of appropriate flowering organs in bad weather.
Increasing fruit set and parthenocarpic fruit growth.
Arrange the fruit increase in size.
In grape vine, the product regulates the trunk length and reduces clusters, improves resistance to pre-harvest cluster roots.
In apple pear and kiwifruit, the product feeds towards the king flowers / fruit, to ensure that the most important fruit in the market is good size.

APPLICATIONS Foliar application

Plant Type

Application Process

Dose (L / ha)

Pear and Apple

1. Application when 20-30% of the flowers are opened
2. Application at the start of petal casting
2 - 2.5 L / ha

Peach, Apricot, Plum, Cherry

1. Application at the start of petal casting
2. Application after 2 weeks

2 - 2.5 L / ha

Wine Grapes and Table Grapes

Increase trunk elongation, 6-7 days apart when clusters reach 4-5 cm in length

2 - 2.5 L / ha


1. Application when secondary lateral flower buds appear
2. Application in petal casting, 7-10 days apart application
2.5 L / ha


When flowers bloom at 80%, at the end of flowering, when fruit size reaches 3-4 mm and before fruit coloration

1 - 2.5 L / ha

Tomato, Zucchini, Sweet Pepper, Eggplant

At the beginning of flowering in each flower branch

150 - 200 ml per 100 liters of fresh water


2 times application at the beginning of flowering throughout the product cycle

150 ml per 100 lt fresh water

Kidney Beans, Green Beans and Other Legumes

2 times application at the beginning of flowering throughout the product cycle

100 - 150 ml per 100 liters of fresh water


Identify and edit the final product, start to apply when the first flower buds begin to appear and apply 15 to 20 days apart during the product cycle.

1 - 2 L / ha

Flower Plants

Improve flower size and quality characteristics, start to apply when the first flower buds begin to appear and apply 15 to 20 days apart during the product cycle

100 liters of water

100-200 ml

Doses are given according to 80 - 100 Lt of water per 1000 m2.

CIFALGA GROW can also be applied by drip; dose: 2.5 L / ha


CIFALGA GROW can be mixed with all cifo products at specified dosages. Nevertheless, compatibility tests are recommended.


Keep away from face and eye area. The product is stable under normal temperature and pressure conditions. It should be stored between 4 - 40oc. The product is not flammable. Protect from hazardous storage and store carefully.

VOLUME: 1Lt = 1,25 Kg