%50 Bakır Oksiklorür (Metalik Bakır)
Package Dimensions
100gr _ 800gr _ 4kg _ 10kg
Crop Name | Pest and Diseases | Dose | PHI |
Pears | Pear rust (Gymnosporangium fuscum) | 21 | |
Pears | Pear scab (Venturia pyrina) | 21 | |
Safflower | Alternaria leaf spot (Alternaria carthami) | 14 | |
Vineyard | Grape antracnose (Elsinoe ampelina) | 21 | |
Vineyard | Downy mildew (Plasmopara viticola) | 21 | |
Tomato | Bacterial speck (Pseudomonas syringae pv. Tomato) | 14 | |
Tomato | Bacterial spot (Xanthomonas campestris pv vesicatoria) | 14 | |
Tomato | Early blight (Alternaria solani) | 14 | |
Tomato | Downy mildew (Phytophthora infestans) | 14 | |
Apple | Apple scaab (Venturia ineaqualis) | 21 | |
Plum | Plum pockets (Taphrina puruni) | 21 | |
Bean | Bacterial leaf spot and leaf speck (Xanthomonas campestris, Pseudomonas syringae) | 14 | |
Bean | Bean antracnose (Colletotrichum lindemuthianum) | 14 | |
Cucumber | Angular leaf spot (Pseudomonas syringae pv. Lachrymans) | 14 | |
Apricot | Apricot shoot hole (Clasterosporium carpophilum) | 21 | |
Potato | Early blight (Alternaria solani) | 14 | |
Potato | Downy mildew (Phytophthora infestans) | 14 | |
Aubergine | Early blight (Alternaria solani) | 14 | |
Vegetable Seedling | Damping off (Pythium spp., Rhizoctania spp., Alternaria spp., Fusarium spp., Sclerotinia spp. ) | 14 | |
Peach | Peach shot hole (Coryneum beijerinckii) | 21 | |
Hop | Downy mildew (Pseudoperonospora humuli) | 14 | |
Citrus | Mal secco (Phoma tracheiphila) | 21 | |
Tobacco | Damping off (Pythium spp., Rhizoctania spp., Alternaria spp., Fusarium spp., Sclerotinia spp. ) | 14 | |
Olive | Halkalı leke (Cycloconium oleaginum) | 21 | |
Pistachios | Septoria leaf spot of pistachio (Septoria pistacina) | 21 | |
Groundnut | Cercospora leaf spot (Cercospora arachidis) | 400 g/100 L wtr | 14 |
Peach | Leaf curl (Taphrina deformans) | 800 g/ 100 l. water | 21 |
Sosyal Ağ