Plant Disease Harmful Weed Latin Name dose period Duration Between Spraying and Harvesting
Sunflower (Before Exit) Wild
(Sinapis arvensis) 200 ml/da After sunflower planting, before emergence
crow's feet (Chenopodium album)
Rooster Needle (Amaranthus retroflexus)
Sparrow Language (Stellaria media)
Father with honey (Lamium spp.)
speedwell (Veronica spp.)
barnyardgrass (Echinochloa crus-galli) 300 ml/da After sunflower planting, before emergence
Sunflower (After Exit) Wild
(Sinapis arvensis) 125 ml/da In the period of 4-6 true leaves of weeds after emergence 45-50 day
Sirken-Iştır (Chenopodium album)
Carrot crow's feet (Chenopodium album) 150 ml/da After carrot planting before emergence
Charlock (Sinapis arvensis)
Donkey Lettuce (Sonchus arvensis)
Wild Purslane (Portulaca oleraceae)
Green Hedgehog (Seteria viridis)
Rooster Needle (Amaranthus retroflexus)
Chickpea Charlock (Sinapis arvensis) 125 ml/da 2-4 true leaf period of weeds after emergence 45-50 day
Ivy Shepherd Wand (Polygonum convolvulus)
(Galium aparine)
crow's feet (Chenopodium album)
Small wild radish (Rapistrum rugosum)
Wild lettuce (Lactuca serriola) 75 ml/da 2-4 true leaf period of weeds after emergence 45-50 day
Lentils (After Exit) Wild
(Sinapis arvensis) 125 ml/da 2-4 true leaf period of weeds after emergence 45-50 day
Heart mustard (Myagrum perfoliatum) 150 ml/da 2-4 true leaf period of weeds after emergence 45-50 day
Ivy Shepherd Wand (Polygonum convolvulus)
Lentils (Before Exit) Heart mustard (Myagrum perfoliatum) 300 ml/da After lentil sowing before emergence
(Sinapis arvensis) 250 ml/da After lentil sowing before emergence

Preparation of the drug for application

The required amount of medicine is mixed with a small amount of water in a suitable container. Two thirds are added into the spraying tank filled with water and mixed. The tank is then completed with water. In pre-exit applications, the soil surface should be wetted properly. For this, the soil should be well cultivated, without peat and 20-40 liters of water should be used per decare. Short-term and temporary light yellowing may be seen in the cultivated plant during post-emergence spraying. Spraying should be finished before the beginning of blooming of lentils.

Plants Advice

CHEKIC 600 medicine is widely used in chickpea varieties (Gökçe, Akçin, Sarı-98,
Such as Menemen-92, Damla, Aydın-92, Mediterranean and Central Anatolian native varieties). However, it should not be used because it is phytotoxic in some native varieties (like Diyarbakır) in the Southeastern Anatolia Region. Consult the company before using it in other varieties.

It should never be used in the flowering period of chickpeas and lentils!

Shake the medicine packaging well before use.

“CHEKIC 600 medicine can be used safely in common chickpea cultivars (Gökçe, Akçin, Sarı – 98, Menemen – 92, Damla, Aydın – 92, Mediterranean and Central Anatolian native varieties). However, it should not be used because it is phytotoxic in some native varieties (like Diyarbakır) in the Southeastern Anatolia Region. Please consult the firm before using it in other varieties.

MIXABLE CONDITION: There is no restriction on the mixing of CHEKIC 600 with other drugs. However, it is recommended as a general principle to conduct a physical miscibility test before going into common practice when needed.