Plant Disease Harmful Weed Latin Name dose İlaçlama ve Hasat Arası Süre
Potato Mustard (Sinapis arvensis) 50-75 g/da 42 day
Red Rooted Foxtail (Amaranthus retroflexus) 50-75 g/da 42 day
Ivy Shepherd Wand (Polgonum convolvulus) 50-75 g/da 42 day
Goose Foot (Sirken) (Chenopodium album) 50-75 g/da 42 day
Iron Thistle (Tribulus terrestris) 50-75 g/da 42 day
Green Rooster Needle ( Amaranthus viridis) 50-75 g/da 42 day
Purslane (Portulaca oleracea) 50-75 g/da 42 day
Ground Basil (Mercurialis annua) 50-75 g/da 42 day
speedwell (Veronica spp.) 50-75 g/da 42 day
Devil's Apple (Datura stramonium) 50-75 g/da 42 day
Tomato Iron Thistle (Tribulus terrstris) 50-75 g/da 42 day
barnyardgrass (Echinochloa crus-galli) 50-75 g/da 42 day
Red Rooted Foxtail ( Amaranthus retroflexus) 50-75 g/da 42 day
Wedding Flower (Ranunculus arvensis) 50-75 g/da 42 day
Bird Grass (Stellaria media) 50-75 g/da 42 day
Wild Radish (Raphanus raohanistrum) 50-75 g/da 42 day
Dead nettle (Lamium purpureum) 50-75 g/da 42 day
Shah tere (Fumaria spp.) 50-75 g/da 42 day
Shepherd's Wand (Polygonum bistorta) 50-75 g/da 42 day
Hedgehog Millet (Setaria spp.) 50-75 g/da 42 day
Goose Foot (Sirken) (Chenopodium album) 50-75 g/da 42 day
Purslane (Portulaca oleracea) 50-75 g/da 42 day
Cutlery (Digitaria sanguinalis) 50-75 g/da 42 day
Charlock (Sinapis arvensis) 50-75 g/da 42 day
Dog Grape (Solanum nigrum) 50-75 g/da 42 day
Nettle (Urtica urens) 50-75 g/da 42 day
Soy Purslane (Portulaca oleracea) 50 g / da (immediately after planting) 42 day
Lady's Bed (Euphorbia prostrata) 50 g / da (immediately after planting) 42 day
Red Rooted Foxtail (Amaranthus retroflexus) 50 g / da (immediately after planting) 42 day
Wild Bay Peat (Raphanus raphanistrum) 50 g / da (immediately after planting) 42 day



Before exiting: It is applied directly to the soil surface after planting potatoes.

No further action is taken.

After the exit: Potatoes 5-10 cm. When it is tall, it is applied at a dose of 50-75 g / da.


In tomato cultivation with seedlings: It is used at a dose of 50-75 g / da when the seedlings are kept a few days after surprise and most of the weeds come to the soil.

In direct tomato cultivation:

a) Before emergence: Tomato seedlings are applied at a dose of 30 g / da without leaving the soil.

b) After emergence: It is applied at a dose of 50-75 g / da in the period when the tomato seedlings are 6-7 cm.


It is applied immediately after planting, no further action is taken.

MIXABLE CONDITION: It is not mixed with highly acidic and basic drugs.