Plant Disease Harmful Weed Latin Name dose Duration Between Spraying and Harvesting

Annual Grass Grass: Darıcan Benekli Darıcan Hedgehog Millet Sticky Weed

(Echinochloa crus-galli) (Echinochloa colonum) (Setaria viridis) (S. vercticillata)

75 ml / da 56 day
Perennial Herbs: Kanyaş (Sorghum halepense) 125 ml / da 56 day
Red lentil Wild Oats (Avena sterilis) 70 ml / da 56 day

Self Coming Wheat

Self Incoming Barley

(Triticum aestivum)

(Hordeum vulgare)

80 ml / da 56 day
Sugar beet Darica and Benekli Darica (Echinochloa crus-galli),( E. colonum) 60 ml/da 56 day
Vicious wild oats (Avena sterilis) 70 ml/da
Water Seperate and * Kanyaş (Paspalum paspalodes) (Sorghum halepense) 80 ml/da
Tomato barnyardgrass (Echinochloa crus-galli) 60 ml/da 28 day
* Johnson grass (Sorghum halepense) 80 ml/da

Delicate Soft Spike Bird Feed Short Spike Bird Feed Barren Wild Oats

(Lolium rigidum) (Phalaris brachystachys) (Phalaris paradoxa) (Avena sterilis) 60 ml/da 42 day

* From bloodsuckers from seed

TALENT SUPER is a selective and systemic herbicide used in annual and perennial grassy weeds and incoming (Wheat - Barley) plants in young periods of weeds, especially after emergence in broadleaf cultivated plants. Immediately after the application, it is absorbed by the leaves very quickly and transported in the plant, reaching the roots.

APPLICATION TIME: TALENT SUPER should be used in the young periods of weeds (2-6 leaves) after emergence.


The required medicine is first diluted with a little water in a separate container. Pour the tank of the tool halfway with water and pour it into the medicated creature that we prepared by operating the mixer and top it up with water.

Use enough water to spray a good coating. For this, calibrate with your instrument before switching to spraying. Use 20-40 Liter of water per decare.

In case of riding on perennial grasses, a second spraying can be done.

No soil cultivation should be made 7 days before and after the application.

If there is a chance of rain within an hour, spraying should be postponed.

Spraying in irrigated areas should be done 4-5 days after irrigation. It is recommended to use a fan type nozzle for spraying.

MIXABLE CONDITION: TALENT SUPER should not be used in combination with Pyrithiobac-sodium compounds, which are effective against broad-leaved plants in cotton. The application of drugs with Pyrithiobac-sodium compound should be done after TALENT SUPER and after at least 1 day. If available, it is recommended to use with spreader-adhesives containing at least 80% mineral oil or vegetable oil + at least 15% emulsifier. It should not be mixed with spreader-adhesives that do not comply with these properties.

Can be used with insecticides containing Lambda-Cyhalothrin and esfenvalerate