Plant Disease Harmful Weed Latin Name dose period Duration Between Spraying and Harvesting
Sugar beet Wild Oats (Avena spp.) 200 ml./da When weeds have 2 leaves 14 day
Bird Grass (Phalaris spp.)
madly (Lolium spp.)
Wheat madly (Lolium spp.) 200 ml./da When weeds have 2 leaves 14 day
Bird Grass (Phalaris spp.)
Wild Oats (Avena spp.)
Lentil Wild Oats (Avena spp.) 150 ml/da When weeds have 2 leaves 14 day
Onion Wild Oats (Avena spp.) 200 ml/da When weeds have 2 leaves

14 day

Millet (Setaria spp.)
barnyardgrass (Echinochloa crus-galli)
Gladiolus barnyardgrass (Echinochloa crus-galli) 200 ml/da 14 day

PREPARATION OF THE MEDICINE: First, the sprayer tank is filled halfway with water. The required amount of drug is slurried in a separate container with a small amount of water and placed in the tank. The mixing apparatus of the tool is operated and the required amount of water remaining is added to the tank. Spraying should be done on the same day.

USAGE: ILLOTOX 28 EC is a systemic herbicide that acts on weeds from the leaves. The best results are obtained especially in applications of weeds in 2-4 leaf periods. Application should be avoided in very dry conditions where the temperature is above 30 ° C. It is not used in corn, cotton and paddy. It can be applied with any kind of spraying tool except for the motorized back atomizer. Although the success of the application depends on the weather conditions, it shows the result 3-7 days after the application. If there is precipitation within 2 hours following the application, the application should be repeated.

MIXABLE CONDITION: It does not mix with 2.4-drugs. There should be at least 1 week between two sprayings. Deltamethrin safely mixes with Phenmedıphame.