Plant Disease Harmful Weed Latin Name dose Duration Between Spraying and Harvesting
Apple Apple Green Aphid (Aphis pomi) 40 ml/100 l water nimf ve adult

14 day

Apple snout (Cydia pomonella) 40 ml/100 l water larva
Pear Pear pillidi (Cacopsylla pyri) 50 ml/100 l water nimf ve adult 14 day
Cherry Cherry fly (Rhagoletis cerasi) 40 ml/100 l water adult

14 day

Apple Leafbender (Archips rosanus) 50 ml/100 l water larva
pistachios Pistachio psillidi (Agonoscena pistaciae) 50 ml/100 l water nimf ve adult

21 day

Sapling bottomworm (Capnodis cariosa) 50 ml/100 l water adult
Pomegranate Pomegranate aphid (Aphis punicae) 40 ml/100 l water 7 day


First, the required amount of medicine is mixed with water in a separate container. The prepared mixture is added to the tank of the spraying device filled with water until half of it. The tank is filled with the required amount of water and mixed again and ready for spraying. This prepared mixture is sprayed to cover all parts of the plants when the air is cool and calm.


Against cherry fly; In visual yellow sticky traps, application should be done within 7-10 days after the first adult is caught.

Apple against domestic wolf; The first spraying of the first generation was done when the eggs started to open. 20 days after the first application against the first generation, the second application and the second application against the second generation are done. Accordingly, a total of 3 applications are made, 2 against the first and 1 against the second.

Against apple green aphid; Spraying should be done if 15% of the shoots are dishwashed.

Against pear psillid; If 15% of the shoots are dishwashed, spraying should be done during the period when the 2nd and 3rd nymphs are in majority.

Against apple leafbender; If the rate of infection with larva in flower bouquets is 5%, a spraying is made when 3 of the flower petals are poured. If necessary, a second application is made 15 days after the first application.

Against leaf psillid in pistachio; A spraying should be done when 20-30 nymphs are seen per compound leaf.

Against the seedling in the pistachio seedlings; Spraying should be started when adult population increases, fresh leaves eaten from the bottom of the stem, graft eyes or shoots gnaw.

Against pomegranate aphid; Spraying should be started when 10 dish shoots are seen per tree.

MIXABLE CONDITION: It can be mixed with many conventional plant protection products with EC, SL, SC, WP and WG formulations. However, a mixture test should be done to be sure.