Plant Disease Harmful Weed Latin Name dose Duration Between Spraying and Harvesting
Plant Tobacco whitefly Bemisia tabaci 100 ml / da adult

14 day

* Green Wolf Helicoverpa armigera 100 ml / da Larva - * NOT USED IN THE MEDITERRANEAN REGION.
mite on Tetranychus cinnabarinus, T. urticae 70 ml / da
tomato Green Wolf Helicoverpa armigera 50 ml / da Larva 7 day
Leaf Lice Myzus persicae 50 ml/ da
Pistachio Pistachio psillidi Agonoscena targionii 20 ml / 100 l.water Nimf, adult 21 day
Eggplant Red spider Tetranychus cinnabarinus 70 ml /100 l. water Nimf, adult 7 day
Peach Peach aphid Myzus persicae 50 ml / 100 l. water Nimf, adult 21 day
Soy Red Spider Tetranychus cinnabarinus 70 ml / da Nimf, adult

7 day

Green wolf Helicoverpa armigera 100 ml / da Larva
White fly Bemisia tabaci 100 ml / da adult


PREPARATION OF THE DRUG: The required medicine is first diluted with a little water in a separate container. This mixture is put into the half-filled tank of the tool. Then, it is mixed and completely filled with water.

Calibration is done first to calculate the amount of water to be used per decare. For this, a certain amount of water is put into the tank of the tool and it is calculated how much area can be wetted with the existing water by operating at a constant speed under field conditions. Then spraying is started.

In cool hours of the day, in windless weather, all parts of the plants should be sprayed as a coating.


- Spraying should be started as soon as the red spiders are visible.

- When whitefly applications are considered harmful, it should be done in 7 days intervals and 2 applications should be continued if the pest density continues.

- As soon as the larvae are seen for Yeşilkurt, spraying is started and continued according to the pest density.

MIXABLE STATUS: The reaction can be mixed with many highly basic and non-acidic drugs.