Plant Name

Pest Name


Time Between Last Spraying and Harvest


Cotton aphid(Aphis gossypii)

40 ml/da
nimf, adult

14 day

Eggplant (greenhouse)

Flower trips

40 ml/100 L water

7 day

Pistachio psillidi

75 ml/100 L water

21 day

PREPARATION OF THE MEDICINE FOR APPLICATION: First, the required amount of medicine is mixed with a little water in a separate container. The prepared mixture is added to the tank of the spraying device filled with water until half of it. The tank is mixed with the required amount of water and made ready for spraying. The prepared mixture is sprayed to cover all parts of the plant when the air is cool and calm. Calibration is done first to calculate the amount of water to be used per decare. For this, a certain amount of water is put into the tank of the tool and it is calculated by running at a constant speed in the field conditions, how much area can be wetted with the existing water. Here, how much water is spent per decare is calculated with the calibrated tool.


Against cotton aphid in cotton: After dilution in the seedling period, when 50% dish seedling is detected, and in the field period, an average of 25 aphids per leaf is detected.

In the eggplant, 25 plants and 2 leaves from each plant are incidentally in small deciduous plants and 2 leaves from each plant, and 1 plant from 25 plants in large-leaf plants, and trips, adults and larvae are counted under binocular. Again, 2 flowers taken by chance from each plant are taken by shaking them on a white paper in a tray and falling trips larvae and adults are counted. The number of trips per leaf (adult + larvae) is 10 for small leaf plants and 20 for big leaf plants.

Against pistachio psillid; As a result of the weekly counts of 100 compound leaves, 20-30 nymphs per leaf are seen, the majority of the eggs are opened and the first adult parasitoid release and the surface of the leaf should be applied before the adhesive layer (fumajin).

MIXABLE CONDITION: It does not need to be mixed with other plant protection products.