Plant Disease Harmful Weed Latin Name dose Duration Between Spraying and Harvesting
vineyard* Vineyard Mildew (Plasmopara viticola)

1. spraying 400 ml / 100 L water

2. spraying 500 ml / 100 L water

3. spraying 600 ml / 100 L water

21 day
Apple Karaleke Disease (Venturia inaequalis) 1000 ml/ 100 L water 14 day
Peach Peach Leaf Curl (Taphrina deformans) 1000 ml/ 100 L water 14 day
Olive Ring Spot Disease (Cycloconium oleaginum) 1000 ml/100 L water
Apricot Leaf-Piercing (Freckle) (Wilsonomyces carpophilus) 1. spraying 1000 ml / 100 L water (Dormant period) 2. spraying 600 ml / 100 L water (Spring application) 3. spraying 600 ml / 100 L water (Spring application) 14 day

* It is not used in areas with harvested vine leaves.

METHOD OF PREPARATION FOR THE APPLICATION: The tank of the sprayer is filled halfway with water. The required amount of drug is slurried in a separate container with a small amount of water and placed in the tank. The mixing apparatus of the tool is operated and the required amount of water remaining is added to the tank. During application, the plants should be washed well and the lower surfaces of the leaves should be wetted. Spraying should be done in windless weather.


Against the mildew in the vineyard; Spraying is started when the shoots are 25-30 cm tall. Depending on where the ecological conditions are suitable for the progression of the disease, sprayings are made with an interval of 12 days.

In apple versus blackberry;

1. spraying: When the flower is blistering,

2. spraying: During the period of pink flower bud; When the flowers are seen separately,

3rd spraying: When the flower petals fall 70-80%,

4. and other sprayings: It is done with an interval of 14 days depending on the conditions where the ecological conditions are suitable for the progression of the disease.

Against peach leaf curl disease; A spraying is done when the buds begin to swell. Care is taken to treat the buds thoroughly.

Ring Stain Disease in Olive: Aegean Region: 1. Spraying is done before the shoots are seen in the spring. 2. Spraying is done after the flower pots become evident before the flowers bloom.

In Marmara Region: 1. Spraying is done before the autumn shoots are seen. 2. Spraying is done after the flower pots become evident before the flowers bloom.

In the Mediterranean Region: 1. Spraying is done after harvest. 2. Spraying is done before the spring shoots are seen. 3. Spraying is done after the flower pots become clear before the flowers bloom.

Against leaf-boring disease in apricot; 1. Spraying is done in autumn (Dormant period) immediately after leaf fall. 2. Spraying is done in spring (spring application) in the period when flower buds swell, before the flowers bloom. 3 spraying is done while the leaf and male organ plate are peeled on the end of the fruit.

MIXABLE CONDITION: It should be used alone without being mixed with other drugs.

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