
Disease Harmful Weed

Latin Name dose Duration Between Spraying and Harvesting
Pistachio Black color (Septoria pistacina) 100 g./100 L. water 14 day
pear Black stain (Venturia prina) 100 g./100 L. water 14 day
apple Black stain (Venturia inaequalis) 100 g./100 L.water 21 day
apricot Monilya (Sclerotinia laxa) 100 g./100 L. water 14 day
Onion Downy mildew (Peronospora destructor) 100 g./100 L. water 14 day
New World Black stain (Venturia inaequalis var. eriobotryae) 100 g./100 L. water 14 day


Pears in Pear: 1. Spraying when the flower eyes blister

2. Spraying during the white badge period

3. When 70-80% of spraying flower petals fall out

4. and other sprayings

It is made with 10-15 days intervals according to the weather conditions.

Apple in Karaleke: 1. Spraying when the flower eyes blister

2. Spraying pink rosette in bud period

3. When 70-80% of spraying flower petals fall out

4. and other sprayings

It is made with 10-15 days intervals according to the weather conditions.

Monilya in Apricot: 1. Spraying at the beginning of flowering (5-10% in flowers)

2. Spraying is done in full bloom (90-100% flowers).

Onion Mildew: With the first signs of disease in the environment, the first spraying is started.

Karazenk in Pistachio: First application should be done as a preventive before the infections start. If the development of the disease continues taking into account the weather conditions, the second spraying is done 15-17 days later. It is monitored whether the disease persists and other applications are decided.

MIXABLE CONDITION: Can be mixed with other drugs. It should not be mixed with metalaxyl, iprodione, copper, dinitro compounds and mineral oils.

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