Plant Disease Harmful Weed Latin Name Dosege Duration Between Spraying and Harvesting
Pear Black stain Venturia pirina 150 g./100 L. water 3 day
Apple Black stain V. İnaequalis 150 g./100 L. water 3 day
Plum Pocket Disease Taphrina pruni 300 g./100 L. water 3 day
Peach Monilya Monilia laxa 300 g./100 L. water 3 day
Apricot, Cherry, Cherry Monilya Sclerotinia laxa 300 g./100 L. water 3 day
Peach, Apricot Leaf-piercing Coryneum beijerinckii 300 g./100 L. water 3 day
Citrus K. Color Rot Phytophthora citrophthora 300 g./100 L. water 3 day
New World Black stain There is V. inaequalis. eribotrya to 300 g./100 L. water 3 day
*Bond Mildiyö Plasmopara viticola 300 g./100 L. water 3 day
Dead Arm 250 g./100 L. water 3 day
Vegetable Seedlings Root Rot** Sclerotinia spp., Rhizoctonia spp., Phythium spp., Fusarium spp., Alternaria spp. 200-250 g./100 L. water 7 day
Tomato Mildiyö P. infestans 300 g./100 L. water 7 day
Leaf Mold Cladosporium fulvum 250 g./100 L. water 7 day
Lettuce Mildiyö Bremia lactuca 300 g./100 L. water 7 day
Onion Mildiyö Peronospora destructor 300 g./100 L. water 7 day
Clove Rust Uromyces caryophyllus 250 g./100 L. water 7 day
Potato Mildiyö Phytophthora infestans 350 g./100 L. water 7 day
Tobacco Collapsing on seedlings

Rhizoctonia spp., Pythium spp., Fusarium spp., Alternaria spp., Sclerotinia spp.)

200 g/100 l. water 7 day

* It cannot be used in vineyards where harvest leaves will be harvested.

** (Seedling application)) The two doses given in the nursery applications vary according to the disease density and vegetation period.

METHOD OF PREPARATION FOR THE APPLICATION: First, the sprayer tank is filled halfway with water. The required amount of drug is slurried in a separate container with a small amount of water and placed in the tank. The mixing apparatus of the tool is operated and the required amount of water remaining is added to the tank.

METHOD OF USE: As a preservative and therapeutic, all the plants should be sprayed in the early hours of the day or evening coolness so that they get wet.

Black Spot in Pear: When the first spraying flower eyes swell, the 2nd spraying during the white rosette period, when the 3rd spraying flower petals fall 70-80%, the 4th and other spraying should be done with an interval of 8-10 days depending on the weather conditions and the course of the disease.

Apple Black Stain: When the 1st spraying flower eyes are blistering, 2nd spraying during the pink rosette bud period (when the flowers are seen separately), 3rd spraying flower petals fall 70-80%, 4. and other sprayings are made with an interval of 10 days depending on where the ecological conditions are suitable for the progression of the disease.

Plum Pocket Disease: The 1st spraying is done in the period when the buds swell, the 2nd spraying is done in the period when the flower petals fall 80%.

Monilya in Peach: The first spraying is at the beginning of flowering (5-10% flowers), the 2nd spraying is in full bloom (90-100% flowers).

Peach, Apricot Leaf Punch: 1. spraying should be done immediately after leaf fall in autumn, 2. spraying should be done before the flower buds open in the spring, 3. spraying should be done while the sheath is peeled on the fruit.

Loquat Karaleke: 1. spraying before the flower buds swell in autumn, 2. spraying before the flower buds open, 3. after the spraying flower petals fall, 4. and other disinfections are made 10 days apart from the third application until the harvest lasts 20 days.

In the vineyard, Ölüol: 1st spraying shoots 2-3 cm., 2nd spraying shoots 8-10 cm., 3rd spraying shoots should be 25-30 cm in the circuit.

Vineyard Mildew: When the spraying shoots become 25-30 cm. 2. Depending on the course of the disease and meteorological conditions, if appropriate conditions for infection are available, 8-10 days intervals are continued. Spraying is terminated when the favorable conditions for infection disappear.

Root Rot in Vegetables (Collapsing): When the disease is seen in the seedling, spraying is started and spraying is done 2-3 times a week until the disease stops.

Tomato Mildew: Spraying is started with the appearance of a 3-5 mm diameter brown spots on the underside of the tomato leaves, and a conidic covering like white ash on the underside.

Tomato Leaf Mold: Spraying is started when the first spots are seen on the leaves.

Lettuce Mildew: Spraying is started when the first signs of disease are seen in the environment, it is continued at least one week before harvesting with an interval of one week.

Onion Mildew: Spraying is started when the first signs of disease are seen in the environment.

Bullet Mold in Vegetables: It is started when the first symptoms of the disease are seen in the environment or when the plants are in the flowering phase.

Clove Paste: Spraying should be started before steels are put in order and spraying should be done with an interval of 10 days.

Potato Mildew: In areas where the disease is observed every year, the average daily temperature

Spraying is started when 16 sıcakC or the lowest temperature reaches 10 ºC.

In areas where the disease is not seen every year, the first sign of disease is expected in the environment or in the field. In environments where the weather is dry and hot, 2-3 applications with 15 days intervals, 4-6 sprayings with a week interval should be done in cool and rainy regions.

MIXABILITY CONDITION: Cypermethrin can be mixed with drugs. It should not be mixed with alkaline and oily drugs. It can be mixed with other pesticides.

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