Plant Disease Harmful Weed Latin Name dose Duration Between Spraying and Harvesting
Tomato (greenhouse) Tomato mildew (Phytophthora infestans) 150 g/100 l water 7 day
Tomato (field) Tomato mildew (Phytophthora infestans) 150 g/100 l water 3 day
Early blight (Alternaria solanı) 150 g/100 l water 3 day
*vineyard Downy mildew (Plasmopara viticola) 150 g/100 l water 21 day
Apple Black stain (Venturia inaequalis) 175 g/100 l water 21 day
Olive Ring spot disease (Spiloceae oleagina) 175 g/100 l water 14 day
Apricot Ring spot disease (Wilsonomyces carpophylus) 1. spraying 350 g / 100 l water 2. spraying 175 g / 100 l water 3. spraying 175 g / 100 l water 14 day

* It cannot be used in vineyards where harvest leaves will be harvested.

Preparation of the drug for application: The required amount of drug is first mixed with a little water in a separate container. Fill the spraying tool with water until half and pour this mixture into it, add the remaining amount of water and mix and use.

Always prepare Koctel Opti WG for spraying first and then add other necessary products or spreading adhesive. Never add water directly onto the dry Koctel Opti WG. Koctel Opti WG is poured by spreading it slowly over the mixed water. If the drug is drained quickly over stagnant or poorly mixed water, agglomeration may occur and the drug is not properly prepared.

Mixing in the spraying tank;

1) Open the cap of the sprayer tank and lift the strainer.

2) Fill the tank with the warmest water possible at a ratio of ¾.

3) Operate the mixing device at the highest speed.

4) Slowly pour Koctel Opti WG over the surface of the mixed water.

5) Then fill the rest of the tank with water and start spraying.


Tomato Mildio: Application should be started when the disease conditions occur in the environment or when the first symptoms are seen, and the application should be repeated with an interval of 7-10 days depending on the course of the disease.

Bağ Mildiyö: Spraying should be started when the shoots are 25-30 cm. It should be continued with 7-10 days intervals depending on the weather conditions and the development of the disease. Spraying should be stopped when the appropriate conditions for infection of the disease disappear. In spraying, attention should be paid to spraying the leaves and bunches on the inner side of the vine. It should be ensured that especially the lower surfaces of the leaves are covered with medication. Spraying should be done early in the morning when the weather is not very hot.

Apple Karaleke:

1. spraying: When the flower is blistering,

2. spraying: During the period of pink flower bud;

3. spraying: When the flower petals are 70-80% shed,

4. and other sprayings: When ecological conditions are suitable for the progression of the disease, it should be applied with an interval of 7-10 days depending on the duration of the drug.

Olive Ring Stain:

Aegean Region: 1. Spraying is done in spring before the shoots are seen. 2. Spraying is done after the flower pots become evident before the flowers bloom.

In Marmara Region: 1. Spraying is done before the autumn shoots are seen. 2. Spraying is done after the flower pots become evident before the flowers bloom.

In the Mediterranean Region: 1. Spraying is done after harvest. 2. Spraying is done before the spring shoots are seen. 3. Spraying is done after the flower pots become clear before the flowers bloom.

Apricot Leaf Piercer:

1. Spraying: It is done immediately after leaf fall in autumn.

2. Spraying: It is done in spring before the flower buds open. (During the pink flower bud period)

3. Spraying: The fruit is made while the leaf and the male organ tray are peeled to the end of the fruit.

MIXABILITY CONDITION: If the miscibility status of the drugs is unknown, it is recommended to use it with a pre-mix experiment before mixing with other drugs. For information on the miscibility of KOCTEL OPTİ WG with other drugs, consult the license holder or the vendor.

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